
84 pages 2 hours read

Patrick Ness

The Knife of Never Letting Go

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2008

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Part 6Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 6, Chapter 32 Summary: “Downriver”

Todd wakes in a bed. Viola is in the room, asleep in a chair. They’re in a settlement called Carbonel Downs. A man named Dr. Snow treated him. Dr. Snow says it is Todd’s fifth morning there. He says the settlement has men, guns, and horses. They’re as safe as they’ll be anywhere.

Snow’s son, Jacob, comes in. Todd can’t believe how small he is. Jacob is the first child Todd has ever seen. After Jacob leaves, Viola says they need to talk.

Part 6, Chapter 33 Summary: “Carbonel Downs”

Music from loudspeakers plays throughout Carbonel Downs. The women from the settlement live in a dorm outside town. Dr. Snow says the music always plays to keep thoughts private.

Viola says they were on the river for a day and a half. There were several chances where she could have stopped the boat, but she saw such poverty and desperation at each location that she chose to continue. She thanks Todd for coming to help her with Aaron. Jacob returns and summons Todd to a meeting. On the way, Todd hears the song that Ben used to sing coming from the river.

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